On 7/15 almost 30 community members voiced their opinion on what we should do with the Community Hall. There was plenty of input and discussion on two choices for building action. Choice a. from below won with a vote of 21-7.
a. Lift the building, stabilize the foundation, and renovate the building. b. Dismantle the building, store all reusable materials, stabilize the foundation, and reconstruct the building from saved materials. The board is now working to establish several committees, ranging from administrative to construction purposes. If you have a skill and would like to participate please email us at [email protected]! If you’d like a chance to see the building it will be open from 11am – 2pm on Sat, July 8th. We’ll also post a video soon at www.AlpineCivicClubBoard.com.
BRING A FLASHLIGHT! Join us July 15th - 7pm at the Community Hall. ACCB and the community will be deciding how to begin using our revenue funds. Options include:
March 2018
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